Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Model Monson

Last month my friends and I had the pleasure of visiting the gravesite of Oswald Chambers. Oswald Chambers is a highly respected theologian who is probably known to most people as the author of “My Utmost for His Highest.” One of my professors from college collects pictures of the graves of notable Christians, which is why we were at Chamber’s gravesite. I’m sure some of you are thinking it’s pretty weird that this professor of mine collects pictures of dead people’s graves, and you’d be right. It is weird. But everyone is weird in their own way. I know someone that collects underwear from different countries around the world. Anyways, before this post digresses any more, the following picture shows me kneeling beside the grave of Oswald Chambers.

I sent this picture to my professor and he responded with the following: “Wow, a picture of Chambers and Jesus in the same picture!” At first I thought, wow, this guy not only collects pictures of dead people’s graves, but he also has a messed up view of what the incarnate Jesus looked like. I always thought if I were a Biblical character I would be Moses, not Jesus! But this past weekend at church I had a conversation with a man who sides with my professor’s viewpoint of me looking like Jesus. Who was this man, you ask? Why, no other than Dr. Farid Fadel, also known as Freddy Fadel, a respected Egyptian artist. He had asked me if I would be interested in coming to his studio and doing some modeling for him. Since my stained glass window opportunity fell through, I decided that this was the next best thing in order to achieve fame, glory, riches, and power. Yes, I was to become Jesus.
Well, this past Sunday I went to Freddy’s studio and put on the robe of righteousness. Actually, it was just a white galibaya with a white shawl over my head, but it did the job. I did a bunch of different Jesus poses for the camera during the first hour. Then for the second hour Freddy pulled out a small canvas and started sketching my face. He showed me his progress every ten minutes. It was pretty neat watching his drawing come to life. I am planning on returning next Sunday for another round of modeling. I’ll bring my camera next week, and then maybe I can show you some of my righteous glamour shots. If that doesn’t satisfy you, perhaps you can find some paintings of me at worldwide exhibits in a year or two. Now, I’m off to pump some iron so I can build up enough muscles to fight off the onslaught of women that will no doubt be following this post.


Anonymous said...

Ryan... yes I am stalking you.... ummm I have to say you are my hero.... I hope you can even figure out who I am.... cause that would make things a little less awkward...

Anonymous said...

I'll have to add the fact that you're a male model now to that poster up in the hallway. I'm still converting people to writing you and what not... soon I will write again too.