Thursday, March 23, 2006

News with Ryan

Since I don't have any campaign pictures for you today, I would like to share an interesting bit of news I came across on the internet today. Click here to read the news story entitled Police arrest oiled man armed with nunchucks.

In other news, the multi-vitamin challenge comes to an end tonight. For those of you just joining us, I began taking multi-vitamins and vitamin C tablets thirty days ago in an effort to improve my health. If it didn't work, Cam Stutters, the parasite man, was going to pay for all my expenses. Well, I am pleased to inform you that my health is improving and I haven't had a cold for about a week now. Now we'll just wait and see if this lasts.

Now for our weather update: the weather is warming up again. We've been in the 30's all week (high 80's to 90's in Fahrenheit). The forcast was saying that Friday would be "Hot with a great deal of sunshine." Now it's just saying "Mostly sunny and not as warm." I really do enjoy these Egyptian weather forcasts!

Four cases of bird flu in humans have been confirmed. Everyone still eats chicken though. We're not chicken. I rear ended a taxi with my bike today because my brakes died. The cab driver looked back at me and I gave him a thumbs up. I think he was pretty amused. I think I should've saved all this information for my newsletter that has to go out in a week. Oh well, I'll just make up some more news for then. This is Ryan Monson, signing off.


Anonymous said...

Are you going to continue with the multivitamins?

Anonymous said...

Ryan, as soon as I get someone's digital camera, I will send you a picture. But until then... VOTE FOR MONSON!

Monson said...

Yes, I plan to continue with the multi-vitamins.

Anonymous said...

Hi Monson!!!!
I also will be sending a picture in the next few days (i hope)
I'll think of something clever :)
Hope everything is going well!