Wednesday, January 11, 2006

The Overture

At last, my brief hiatus from blogging has come to an end. The past couple of weeks have been filled with countless experiences and adventures. I am back at work at Maadi Community Church now, so over the next number of days I will do my best to fill you in on some of what I have been up to over the past few weeks.

This first entry regarding my previous weeks is simply an overview of where we went and what we saw. The next entries will attempt to narrate the adventures in a little more detail, though everything I write is from memory because I didn't think to bring along a notebook to write down any of our experiences. Malesh.

So, what have I seen and done to explain for my absense? Well, first I took the guys to see the Pyramids of Giza where they experienced a few of their own hilarious (from my point of view, anyways) adventures. I'll tell you my point of view of those adventures later on. After the pyramids I walked the guys around MY side of the tracks (the more Egyptian portion of Maadi) where we zigzagged our way through alleyway markets, past sheep and goats, beneath the doorsteps of locals, and out the other side where my house is located. Next up was a relaxing felucca ride on the Nile. Other sights we saw around Cairo were: the Khan al-khalili (large touristy marketplace that sells pretty much everything if you know where to look), the Deaf Unit, the Egyptian museum, the gravesite of Oswald Chambers, the Cairo zoo, and probably a ton of other little things that I have forgotten about already.

A day or two after the guys arrived, we headed down to Luxor on a 2nd class night-train. I will definately blog about this experience one of these days. In Luxor we visited the Valley of the Kings, the Valley of the Queens, the Temple of Karnack, the Luxor Temple, Luxor museum, Queen Hatchepsut's Temple, and who knows what else! They were a busy couple of days. After Luxor, we made our way up to Alexandria where we saw the ancient roman catacombs, a roman ampitheatre, Fort Qaitbay (a nifty little castle-type thingy), not to mention the Mediterrainian sea. We also visited the ridiculously massive library there (you have to pay admission to go to this library). We finished our trip to Alex off by going to a football (soccer) game of Egypt vs. Zembabwe. It was awesome. Anyways, those are a few of the sights that we took in while my friends were here visiting. I'll try to tell you a little more about some of these sights in the days to come. In the meantime, check out my latest photo albums from Alexandria and Luxor.

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