Saturday, September 29, 2007

Elkford Crime Scene!

As pleasant as the town of Elkford is, it has come to my attention that it is not the innocent little mountain town I once thought it to be. Sure, I began to wonder when the old school mysteriously burnt down and a local church sign was ripped apart. It wasn't until I was personally victim to the town's plague of vandalism that I connected all the dots and realized that there is a major problem here. Earlier this week Matt walked into the room and asked me if I'd taken a look at my car recently. It seems the windshield got smashed by someone. The smash was dead center and definitely not an accident. The RCMP offered no help, naturally.

This brings me to the launch of the my new blog: Elkford Crime Scene. Why fall victim to the torrential onslaught of vandalism in this town without doing something about it? The Elkford Crime Scene site shall be dedicated to getting to the bottom of Elkford's vandals. If I hear about some vandalism going on in the town, I will post a summary of it on there. If anyone knows anything about the crime, they can leave comments on the post. If people wish to remain anonymous to the public, they can email their tips to Together we can catch the vandals! So far, my greatest resource is the high school students. I have a few of them working on investigating my windshield vandalism. We've already got a few leads, but will continue to gather evidence before approaching the suspects.

If the RCMP will not patrol this town, we citizens must band together to patrol it!

In other news, my credit card number was stolen this week. I noticed a charge on my credit card statement that I hadn't made. While I was checking it out online, Royal Bank phoned me up and asked if I'd made thousands of dollars of purchases online today. I had not. I don't think this was an Elkford crime, but it's annoying nonetheless. At least I won't be charged for all the purchases I didn't make. If only I wouldn't have to pay for the windshield that I didn't break.

Funny, while living in downtown Calgary I was victim to less crime than I am here...


marcel said...

I'm sorry to hear about your windshield man, I'm glad you decided to do something about it though, that's the way to go!!

Mr. Heagy said...

I think yeomans smashed your windshield.

lyallstyle said...

i love this elkford crime scene idea. this a way better idea than assembling a vigilante mob, tho less dramatic. did you hear that Kristines mountain bike was stolen from our car port in october? it was blue and looked similar to this one.

lyallstyle said...

i have sent an email to your elkfordcrimescene gmail account, just so you know.