Tuesday, May 16, 2006


Well, I guess it's time I update you folks on my life. We are already into the second half of May. I didn't even realize May had started! Well let's see, what have I done in the past couple of weeks here now? First off, we were in charge of the weekend services at church the first weekend in May. This means that we had to plan and lead four church services in two days. My duties included delivering the MCC New Broadcast (announcements), taking part in one of the dramas, and looking like an idiot while we attempted to sing a Ukrainian song we learned on our trip to Ukraine (yes, the song even included actions). That was the first weekend in May.

The next weekend we had our end of the year Hoo Haw. This is the last major event of the school year that our youth ministry puts on. It consisted of a nice dessert, speeches by a few people (including myself), recognizing the seniors, and showing our 30 minute Hoo Haw video/slideshow that looks back on all the events we did this past year. I had the pleasure of spending hours putting together that video on a Mac. Not my favorite week of the year. Also, interestingly enough, I had my birthday the day before the Hoo Haw. I have somehow made it through 23 years of living, and I'm still kicking. That's pretty lucky considering the traffic I bike through each day.

I believe I have only five and a half weeks of ministry left here at Maadi Community Church. I would like to take this time to answer some Frequently Asked Questions now:

(Q) When are you coming/going home?
(A) July 28th is my departure date back to Canada. For the four weeks prior to that I plan on travelling around Jordan, Israel, and possibly Syria with my friend Matt Yeomans, and my sister Felicia (the non-preggo sister).

(Q) Have you found a wife yet?
(A) No. I'm afraid I would probably fail my internship if I did.

(Q) Have you found any potential wives yet?
(A) No.

(Q) What's the weather like in Egypt right now?
(A) It's in the upper twenties to lower thirties (celsius).

(Q) What are you doing when you return to Canada?
(A) In September I will finish up my last four months of Bible college.

(Q) Do you eat camel for dinner?
(A) No. I eat food for dinner.

(Q) Do you speak fluent Arabic now?
(A) No. I think my Arabic teacher is considering switching professions because of me. Apparently I'm quite hopeless.

(Q) How come you never blog any more?
(A) Not enough people have been e-mailing me. Just kidding. I've been too busy. I should have more time for blogging now.

Ok, that's all for now. If you have any other questions, post a comment and I'll answer it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This isn't a frequently asked question but it should be. Why don't you have your favorite pregnant sisters blog listed on your "Blogs I like" ? I mean I know it's not all excited 'n stuff, and I haven't updated it in forever, but that's because no one ever comments to it. Sniff. I could use the publicity to motivate me.