Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Uncle Ryan – Part II

If you are a regular reader of my blog you have probably read my ‘Uncle Ryan’ entry from mid-September. If you haven’t, I’d suggest you read it RIGHT NOW, before continuing on with this post. It has been the most highly acclaimed entry I have written to date. I would guess that this is because, deep down, everyone agrees wholeheartedly with me on what I said. Well, whether you agreed with what I said or not, it is time for me to update you on baby related business in my life.

A few weeks after writing my ‘Uncle Ryan’ entry, I received an email from my sister Holly. Here’s an abridged excerpt of it for you: “blah blah blah, I’m pregnant.” Now at first I was thinking, “Wow, I wonder what our parents think about this…” but then I remembered, “She’s married. Getting pregnant is supposed to happen.” Soon I began working this out logically in my head and got to thinking about what terrible news this was for me: Unless I’m mistaken, in only a few months time I am going to be a REAL uncle, not just some dude nicknamed ‘Uncle’. The next part of the email confirmed those fears: “blah blah blah, you’re going to be an uncle!!!” Great. My logic wasn’t flawed after all.

After reading that email from Holly, I couldn’t help but notice how ironic it was that I had received that news just then. You see, that very day my host family took their cat (also named Holly) in to the vet to get ‘fixed’. I think the Dutch actually call it ‘sabotaged’. Whatever you call it, this little kitty can no longer make babies. I don’t know about you, but I found this pretty ironic.


Anonymous said...

Ryan your mistaken as to why people liked your "Uncle Ryan" post. It's not because we agree in some way, it's because we know that even you deep down just love babies but don't know how to express that adoration. So instead of being sappy, you push them away. You just wait, my baby is going to just love you to bits and make up some funny name for you ('member Reein?) and you won't be able to help but love him/her so so much (and maybe even change a few diapers, hee hee). I can't wait yipeee!!

Anonymous said...

Ryan you just ruined any remaining chances that you had to ever get married in your lifetime.
I'm really sorry about that since that means I will have less grandbabies.

Anonymous said...

Oh Ryan, that's really really funny. Since you already know how to hold a baby (much like a football), I think you should start practicing now on how to change diapers. I'm sure that Holly will be VERY grateful to you if you do. Congrats on being an uncle-to-be!

Anonymous said...

Hi Ryan,

Don't worry. I don't like babies and I am getting married!

From Cam

Anonymous said...

Hey Ryan,
That's pretty hilarious that Holly just got taken to be fixed. Nice Ball dance by the way. But maybe I already told yuo that.

Anonymous said...

Don't listen to your mom. she has NO sense of humor, tsk! tsk!
Besides she is getting up there in years and is going to have limited amount of energy it's happenning already. I hear she is going to work part time.

I suspect people liked your post because it was darn funny and Holly is right (hotties know a lot) we can't wait to see you "ga, ga " the babies ( this Holly ain't fixed). He hehehehehe